# 🎢 Preparing Your Environment for the PrestaShop Integration Framework

To use the PrestaShop Integration Framework, you need to have a PrestaShop store instance running and available online.

You can either choose to install PrestaShop manually and configure it yourself, or use Docker Compose Kickstarter, a repository allowing you to install a Docker image of a preconfigured PrestaShop environment, already available online.

# Installing PrestaShop Manually

# Follow the Documentation

You can install PrestaShop manually by following the Module Developer Guide (opens new window).

# Create an SSH Tunnel

To connect your PrestaShop store to PrestaShop Account, you will need to create an SSH tunnel that will allow your PrestaShop store to communicate with the Internet. To do so, you have two possibilities:

  • The most convenient solution is to use ngrok (opens new window), but the free version will provide you with a different URL everytime you restart your machine, which requires reconfiguring the database each time. This solution thus requires either using the payable solution or performing advanced configuration on the database.

  • Another solution is to use localtunnel (opens new window).

# Installing a Preconfigured PrestaShop

If you're not familiar with PrestaShop development, or for testing purposes, you can follow the procedure provided in the Docker Compose Kickstarter (opens new window) repository. This project allows you to download and launch a Docker image of a preconfigured PrestaShop store instance and relies on ngrok (opens new window) to open a network edge endpoint.