# Stairstep

The stairstep pricing model involves tiered pricing based on predefined usage thresholds. As customers' usage surpasses specific milestones, their pricing "steps up" to the next tier, resulting in adjusted pricing. Each tier typically offers additional benefits or features, providing incentives for customers to use more of the SaaS product and possibly unlocking volume discounts. The stairstep model aims to encourage customer loyalty and gradual growth in usage.

Example: An email marketing SaaS offers a stairstep pricing model with three tiers. The first tier allows up to 1,000 subscribers and costs 15€ per month. As the customer's subscriber count grows, they move to the second tier, which supports up to 5,000 subscribers and costs 30€ per month. If their subscriber count exceeds 5,000, they enter the third tier, accommodating up to 10,000 subscribers and costing 50€ per month.


If you're looking for the implementation of your Stairstep, follow this tutorial.


To get the date of the next invoice please refer to the webhooks documentation.