# Billing API

The documentation for the Billing API is available here (opens new window).

# Activating the Sandbox mode for any API request.

You may activate the Sandbox mode by providing either a sandbox header, or specifying sandbox as a query param in the url.

For example as a query parameter: https://api.billing.prestashop.com/v1/products/builtfor_example/components?sandbox=true. Or as a header:

curl --request GET \
    --url https://api.billing.prestashop.com/v1/products/builtfor_example/components \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'sandbox: true'

# Getting an Access Token

To query the PrestaShop Integration Framework APIs, you first need to receive a JWT from the Authorization Server. This JWT is issued following the OAuth2 Standard Protocol (opens new window).

  1. Get in touch with PrestaShop Solution Engineers ([email protected]) to get your client credentials.

  2. Call the Account Authorization Server to get your JWT.

Authorization Server URL (production) : https://oauth.prestashop.com/ (opens new window)

You can use the library you want for your favorite language. Here is a list of available code libraries at this link (opens new window). If you want to make this with a curl, below is an example of a request to the Authorization Server:

curl --location --request POST 'https://oauth.prestashop.com/oauth2/token' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdGluZ19jbGllbnRfY3JlZGVudGlhbHM6c2ZDMHRwZnhwTThwRW5lUXg0dkYzWTdwdk0=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=PROVIDED_BY_PRESTASHOP' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'audience=distribution.prestashop.net' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid'


Make sure you modify the client_id=PROVIDED_BY_PRESTASHOP portion with the client_id that has been shared with you.

The same also applies for the Authorization header, which should be comprised of <client_id>:<secret_id> (which have been shared with you) encoded in base64.

The scope portion should be comprised of scopes you need as per our API reference (opens new window), separated by a space. For example: scope=subscription.write.quantity subscription.write. Please remember that those scopes must be enabled for your client. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact PrestaShop Solution Engineers ([email protected]).

Then this token should be added to any request that specifies OpenID Connect as its security method, as a JWT bearer token to the Authorization header (for example: --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with cURL)